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A few stray showers or storms possible near Sand Mountain Tuesday

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A few stray showers or storms possible near Sand Mountain Tuesday

While most do stay dry Tuesday as well as the next 7 days, there are a couple of small shower chances to contend with today and Wednesday. The same cold front that moved through Labor Day morning is still sitting stationary just to our south this morning. This front will lift north just enough this afternoon and evening to spark a few pop-up showers and isolated storm or two in Sand Mountain. For areas west of I-65 Tuesday your rain chances are nearly zero.

Our next cold front arrives from out of the northwest Wednesday afternoon, evening. Rain chances will be limited with this moisture starved front but also serves another purpose the next few days...

We're also watching a tropical disturbance in the Gulf of Mexico this week. With only a couple more days over the Gulf's water before the disturbance reaches the Alabama coast, Florida Panhandle - National Hurricane Center keeps chances of developing into an organized tropical cyclone at 30%. The same cold front that passes through north Alabama Wednesday evening will also help to deflect the tropical disturbance well to our south and east Thursday.

Once the cold front moves through, the rest of the work week and this weekend looks great! Temperatures fall back into the mid 80s Thursday and Friday with overnight in the upper 50s by Friday morning. High pressure will continue to build into our area this weekend, allowing highs to climb back to near 90 by Sunday and Monday. That is nothing unusual around here since our last day of 90 degrees typically falls in mid-September

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