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North Alabama residents help the homeless during arctic freeze

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woman serving homeless food

Despite these record-low temperatures we are seeing across North Alabama, there are some that are still in need of shelter.

At the intersection of Derrick Street and Holmes Avenue in Huntsville, plenty of people sit without a warm roof over their head.

“It’s really hard out here, especially when it’s cold like this,†said Melissa Peoples.

She’ll be spending her holiday season at this homeless camp. It's an already difficult experience, now exacerbated by the extreme cold.

“I literally scream, and I would scream because it’s so cold," said Peoples.

Fortunately for them, some local residents wanted to make sure they had what they needed during this arctic blast.

Knowing what these homeless people have to endure at a time like this, Nick Davis of Prestige Roofing and Constriction went out Friday with nearly 40 volunteers to help build tents, provide food, hand out clothes and plenty more.

“Most of them are handicapped and can’t make it, and it’s cold. We’re just trying to do what we can," said Davis.

It's an act of service that local artist and volunteer Dee Rogers said he constantly works for: to help give back to those in need.

He said when he accomplishes that act, "I think I’m happier than them. I’m happier than them just to see their faces and their reactions."

Together, their generosity could have quite possibly saved lives.

“We could starve if we never get any of this — or clothes. We could starve, so it’s really nice," said Peoples.

It's a challenging time for the people that live here, but it's also rewarding for the volunteers who came out to help. Davis said this is not the first or last time this group will lend a helping hand.

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